How to run Jobs on Laravel Queues and best practices


Queues are a very important part of high-performant and efficient Laravel applications, enabling background job processing, improving request response times, and handling heavy workloads. However, improper queue management can lead to bottlenecks, failures, and unexpected behavior.

In this article, we'll cover queue essential, and especially how to run Laravel queues effectively. You'll learn how to configure and monitor jobs, handle failures, optimize queue performance, and avoid common pitfalls. Let's go!

Choosing the Right Queue Driver

Laravel supports multiple queue drivers (database, Redis, Amazon SQS, Beanstalkd, etc.), and selecting the right one is crucial.

  • Database: Simple but may not be ideal for high-throughput applications, mostly due to overhead cost of managing database transactions.
  • Redis: Usually the best choice for most applications, offering speed, reliability, and scalability.
  • Amazon SQS: Great for distributed, cloud-based applications needing managed queue services.
  • Beanstalkd: Lightweight and fast.

Recommendation: For starting out, you'll most likely be fine with the Database driver. Else, use Redis unless you have a specific need for SQS or another provider, or you absolutely know what you are doing.

For the purpose of demonstration, I'll be using the Database driver for the explanations from here on.

Running and Managing Queues Efficiently

Use Supervisor to Keep Workers Running

Laravel queues require persistent workers. Use Supervisor to ensure jobs continue running even after crashes or server reboots.

Install Supervisor (Ubuntu example):

sudo apt update && sudo apt install supervisor

Example Supervisor configuration for Laravel:

command=php /path-to-project/artisan queue:work --tries=3 --timeout=90

Restart Supervisor after configuration:

sudo supervisorctl reread && sudo supervisorctl update && sudo supervisorctl start laravel-queue:*
Databases in VS Code? Get DevDb

Handling Failed Jobs Gracefully

Even with retries, you most likely will still end up with some jobs failed jobs. Laravel provides a failed jobs table to track these issues.

Store Failed Jobs in the Database

php artisan queue:failed-table
php artisan migrate

Configure Auto-Retry with tries and backoff

Define retry behavior in your job classes:

class ProcessOrder implements ShouldQueue
    public int $tries = 5;
    public int $backoff = 30; // Wait 30 seconds between retries

Monitor and Manually Retry Failed Jobs

List failed jobs:

php artisan queue:failed

Retry failed jobs:

php artisan queue:retry all

Retries all failed jobs.

php artisan queue:retry 12345

Retries the failed job with the given job ID (12345).

Prune old failed jobs:

php artisan queue:prune-failed --hours=24

Deletes failed jobs older than 24 hours to keep the table clean.


Laravel queues are a powerful way to handle background processing, but they require careful management to avoid performance bottlenecks and failures.

Key takeaways:

  • Database driver is most likely going to meet your queue needs.
  • Configure Supervisor to keep workers running.
  • Set proper timeouts, memory limits, and retries to prevent stuck jobs.
  • Monitor failed jobs and retry them when necessary.
  • Optimize database queries and API interactions to avoid slow job execution.

Hope you got a hint or two from this piece!

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